To our soon-to-be graduates, congratulations! Our Primavera staff and faculty is proud of the accomplishments you made, and can’t wait to celebrate with you in just a few days. Before you start your post-grad life, we’d like to share some words of wisdom with you. We asked a few Primavera teachers what they wish they’d been told when they were graduating high school, and here’s what they had to say.
From Our Primavera Teachers to You
1. Don’t be afraid to take chances
“During college, there was an opportunity to study in a different country for one semester. I loved the idea of going to a new place and doing all the exciting things showed to us by the program coordinator. However, I was scared to take the chance because it was a different country and it was very far from my friends and family. Today I can say that I am very happy that I took a chance… I met so many people from so many places, people whom are still my friends today. If I hadn’t taken the chance I would have missed out on those amazing adventures.”
– Graciela Herrera, foreign language instructor
2. Embrace life.
“You are young and your whole life is ahead of you–go for it!”
– Steve Forrett, English instructor
3. Drive to a remote location anywhere and spend some quiet time alone.
4. At least once in your life, you should travel to a different country.
“Every place, every culture is unique and has something to offer. It is necessary to travel, to see and to meet people in order for us as human beings to become more understanding of others.”
– Graciela Herrera, foreign language instructor
5. You have the ability to change your destiny.
“None of us know what will unfold. However, we can plan. Learn to think critically about every decision you make. Outline a plan—attend college if you can, even if you are going into business for yourself. College has the environment to teach you the adult skills of critical thinking and the people you meet there will impact you for the rest of your life!”
– Steve Forrett, English instructor
6. Create a dream list, not a bucket list.
“Why wait to make a BUCKET LIST when you are old? Make your DREAM LIST now and post it all over your house. Make sure you are spending your time and money on at least your top THREE dreams.”
– Lee Rusell, math instructor
7. Stick to your goals
8. Remember: As online student, you have a head start on life.
“Students who work in an online environment and successfully complete courses are the heroes of America. They overcome the challenges of distraction, procrastination, life disruption and lack of time. Due to that success, those students are equipped forever to meet the unknown future head on.”
– Steve Forrett, English instructor
9. Make your journey your own
“Don’t let others make decisions for you. While it is wise to listen to others in regards to advice, you should only do what will make you a better person.”
– Graciela Herrera, foreign language instructor
10. The past is gone and forgotten–your life is now!
“So many times, life deals all of us challenges and rough blows. Regardless of your present circumstances remember — YOU have the ability to change your destiny. Never give up! Set goals one day at a time, one moment at a time.”
– Steve Forrett, English instructor
11. Always be kind.
12. You are not alone.
“There is always someone who has the ability to help you. You only have to take the time to stop and look for it.”
– Graciela Herrera, foreign language instructor
13. We are all in this world together–so reach out and love someone expectantly.
“It is easy to get caught up in the daily grind of work, but when you take the time to help someone unfortunate, the world seems whole again.”
– Lee Russell, math instructor
One more thing teachers would like to tell you: Stay in touch! Our instructors here at Primavera care about you and love to see what you accomplish after high school. We wish you the best of luck; congratulations, graduating seniors!
- Do you have a piece of advice you’d like to add to the list? Share with us in the comments below!